Is the question of who is to blame as necessary as the question of what have we learned?
How do we pick and choose what to transpose from our contemporary knowledge to play a character from a historical ignorance?
In issues of morality and human rights, where does change occur – in the head, or in the heart?
``Tawiah M’Carthy’s production of Wole Soyinka’s masterpiece is a once-in-a-lifetime theatrical event….The amount of work, knowledge, expertise, care and pride that are going into this show is thrilling and humbling to witness. Please do not miss it.``
“That message is made even more impactful in this production through strong performances from every member of the cast…Beaty adeptly navigates her character’s shift from a position of colonial arrogance and ignorance to the beginnings of a place of understanding”
“The Tom Patterson Theatre felt like it underwent its true artistic baptism with the premiere of a powerfully immersive production of Death and the King’s Horseman….It’s difficult to imagine the while colonial couple being better portrayed than they are here by Abbey, long one of Stratford’s strongest, and Beaty whose performances have more layers and textures than ever this season.”