By Tracy Letts.
Soulpepper, 2019.

Are we ever fully aware of inherited trauma in ourselves?

If we do become aware, is there hope to heal? What then?

What do we owe our parents?

How do we find something in us that lives outside of our childhood dark fairy story?

If we look under the rotten floor, is there something in us that suspects how many dead are buried there? How many murdered?

Everyone in a comedy always thinks they’re in a tragedy.


Cast: Maev Beaty, Samantha Brown, Oliver Dennis, Leah Doz, Raquel Duffy, Kevin Hanchard, Diego Matamoros, Jeff Meadows, Michelle Monteith, Nancy Palk, Laurie Paton, Gregory Prest
Company: Soulpepper
Playwright: Tracy Letts
Director: Jackie Maxwell
Assistant Director: Lindsay Bell
Set Designer: Camellia Koo
Costume Designer: Gillian Gallow
Sound Designer & Composer: Deanna H. Choi
Stage Management: Kat Chin, Ada Aguilar, Caitlin Mears, Robert Harding

“The two standout performances, of course, belong to the women playing the sparring Violet and Barbara, and they’re so well matched the stage practically ignites.” NNNNN

NOW Magazine

“Here's how you do August: Osage County.” ★★★★

Toronto Star

“Beaty, a superb comedienne whose most searching performances are always edged with wit, makes Barbara a woman who can never cure herself of expecting the worst”

Cushman Collected